Back in 2017, Our CEO was introduced to the ROBLOX platform. Although playing games was very fun, his interest quickly shifted to being the face behind creating the games. For the first 2 weeks, He essentially only built models block by block, but then found out about `lua`, the scripting language that is used for ROBLOX. Our CEO then started coding basically every day just for the "heck of it", But with time came experience, and it quickly became second nature. With our growing knowledge, We started to look at other possibilities, which introduced us to other tools and languages which expanded our knowledge and experience with developing.
It is pronouced "Make stuff", "Mek" being caribbean lingo for "Make". Why the name "Mekstuff"? cause that's what we do, Make stuff.
Over the 6 years of development, we've learned alot of different skills and are still learning, Our arsenal includes but not limited to:
** Star rating signifies comfortability & confidence **
Javascript (Typescript)
Roblox Typescript
Node JS
Tailwind CSS
React Native
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects
PhP, Java, Python